Reflexology is an alternative health treatment which deals with the principle that there are reflexes in the feet that correspond with each and every organ and all parts of the body. Stimulating these reflexes properly can help many health problems in a natural way, bringing balance and harmony to the body, not to mention deep relaxation.
Cherry Reflexology studies started out in Virginia USA, but on her return, she completed an ITEC level 3 at St Marys Uni (Twickenham)
We know the benefits of Reflexology, but combining the LED Photo rejuvenation lamp to the treatment not only stimulates your skin’s ability to rejuvenate itself it is also a great treatment for those who suffer from stress, anxiety or S.A.D as it helps stimulate levels of Seretonin in the brain, making you feel wonderfully refreshed and revived.
The fact that it also targets blotchy, sagging wrinkled skin is just the icing on the cake.
You’d expect a woman with a name like Cherry Woods to attract fame. In this case, what she attracts is famous faces – namely a raft of television presenters who go to her religiously!